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Advanced Supplier Management
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Advanced Supplier Management

Reduce Costs, Improve Performance, and Avoid Supply Disruptions

Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012

Time: 11:30 EDT, 10:30 CDT, 9:30 MDT, and 8:30 PDT

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Nearly every major company experiences one or more significant supply disruptions each year. Despite an extensive focus on supplier risk management by many companies, these costly surprises remain a top management concern.

Efforts focused on even intensive supplier collaboration have failed to protect companies from supply chain risk. OPS Rules Chairman, MIT Professor David Simchi-Levi and OPS Rules CEO, Mike Romeri, will review strategic improvements companies should make with respect to supply chain flexibility and operational transparency.

These leading techniques ensure that a firm's supply chain is as resilient as possible by reducing the impact of disruptions and ensuring that adverse trends are identified and resolved earlier so that supply disruptions can be minimized or avoided altogether.

An in-depth discussion of The Risk Exposure Index Case Study will be included in this videocast.

Not to be missed!

What You’ll Learn:

Advanced Supplier Management spans the following activities:

1. Designing the supply chain to mitigate risk through increased flexibility

2. Creating Business Continuity Plans

3. Managing supplier performance
4. Monitoring global risks such as weather, political or transportation disruptions

In this videocast, we will review these activities and show how several companies have implemented systems that have successfully mitigated their risks and improved performance.

Featuring: David Simchi-Levi, a Professor of Engineering Systems at MIT and OPS Rules Chairman, Mike Romeri, OPS Rules CEO, and SCDigest Editor Dan Gilmore.


Who Should Attend:

General Management and Supply Chain Operations Executives and Senior-level Professionals

What if I can't attend on this date?

Archived version will be available soon after broadcast.

Register now even if you can't attend live date to receive email with on-demand link.




Dan Gilmore

Chief Editor,
Supply Chain Digest


Mr. Gilmore is the founder and editor of Supply Chain Digest, the industry's leading e-magazines and web sites for supply chain and logistics, with 40,000 very active readers.

He is one of the industry's most prolific and popular writers and speakers.


Dr. David Simchi-Levi

Professor of Engineering Systems,

Renowned operations and supply chain expert, Engineering Systems professor at MIT and Chairman of OPS Rules Management Consultants. Dr. Simchi-Levi was the co-founder of LogicTools, a supply chain software company that is now part of IBM. He has extensive experience both on the academic and the business sides of operations and supply chain management and is considered a leader in these fields.

His most recent book “Operations Rules: Delivering customer value through flexible operations” has been praised by business executives. The book addresses the current business concerns around Complexity Management, Flexibility, Segmentation and Supply Chain Risk Management.
Mike Romeri


served as a partner at PRTM for 20 years and has focused on improving supply chain performance since the late 70’s. Mike helped AMD with its first direct customer shipments of product from offshore assembly locations and led the development of the turnkey supply chain practices that made the Flextronics business model possible. He has carried out supply chain projects in a dozen different industries and worked with clients in more than 20 different countries.

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