Our WMS: Should it Stay or Should it Go?
A Framework for Deciding Whether to Replace, Keep or Enhance your Warehouse Management System
As the economy begins recovery, many companies will take a fresh look at their Warehouse Management System (WMS) technology - in part because DC consolidation and other operational changes during the slow down might have changed how well a company's existing WMS technology meets current and projected distribution needs.
Like any hard asset, a WMS has a definable service life it offers its owner. This insightful presentation will help you determine if your current WMS remains a good value for your company, if additional investment in it will pay back, or if it is time to divorce your systems and upgrade to current available technologies.
In this excellent broadcast, which has been very well received at several industry events, we'll provide valuable insight from one of the WMS industry's leading consulting organizations on how to analyze the state of your WMS and chart the best course for your organization.
Following this presentation, attendees will be able to:
• More objectively determine if their exsting to WMS is worth saving or not
• Discover the risks, costs (modifications, upgrades and new installs) and benefits for keeping old technology vs. updating to new
• Understand fundamental differences in older generation WMS and current offerings
Excellent material.
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