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Videcast Registration:
Videocast: Unifying and Digitizing the Processes Surrounding Order Management

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Broadcast Details


Videocast: Unifying and Digitizing the Processes Surrounding Order Management


Orders Still come in Many Different Forms and Systems - Here's How to Get them Under Digital Control


Date: Thursday, April 19th, 2018

Time: 11:30am EDT, 10:30am CDT, 9:30am MDT, and 8:30am PDT

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Not all sales orders coming into your company are created equal.
Customers submit orders in a variety of formats and media channels, and how those orders get processed and managed has a direct effect on supply chain efficiency and organizational success.

Join us for an educational Videocast that breaks down all the ways in which orders can arrive, the downstream challenges associated with each, and the benefits of digitization. You’ll leave with expert answers to important questions such as:


        • How do you take non-digitized orders (e.g., fax, mail, field sales, phone) and make them digitized?

        • How do you remove manual touch points from orders that are already digitized (e.g., EDI, portal, eCommerce, email)?


        Almost every company has goals for digitization today, and there is no better place to start than order management.


Featuring SCDigest's editor Dan Gilmore and Esker's Sarah Joiner.

If your supply chain is ready for a digital transformation, consider the proven benefits of order processing automation — register today!   



Register and you'll also learn:


• How advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and computing power are transforming order management


• Why it is essential to accelerate the customer-centric supply chain cycle


• How digital order management can reduce cost to serve

What if I can't attend on this date?

An archived version will be available soon after broadcast.

Register now even if you can't attend the live date to receive an email with the on-demand link.




Dan Gilmore

Supply Chain Digest


Sarah Joiner




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